Monday, April 26, 2010

Play Speedball with Competition Paintball Guns

If you’re an avid paintballer, chances are that you’re always looking for ways to enhance your game and new ways to stomp the competition. If you haven’t started playing speedball, or competitive paintball, you should! It’s an incredible, adrenaline filled game that is a bit more challenging, than just going out and playing with friends.

If you aren’t familiar, paintball has two different types of games: woodsball and speedball. Speedball is when the field is composed of inflatable bunkers, of the same location and number on each side of the field. This way, the field is an even playing ground for both teams.

Speedball teams can typically consist of 3, 5, 7 or 10 players. The paintball markers are different as well.
Speedball markers are designed with high rates of fire. They are the guns used by professionals who compete because they can seamlessly put out multiple shots per second.

So whether you’re already a big speedball player, or just want a paintball marker that is tournament worthy, you should look into competition paintball guns at


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